How to Reduce Your Dog’s Carbon Pawprint
How to Reduce Your Dog’s Carbon Pawprint
We all love our dogs, but you’d probably be surprised to learn how much they impact our environment. Studies have shown that a medium-sized dog has more than double the impact on the environment than a gas-guzzling SUV. When left to Mother Nature, pet waste breaks down and eventually seeps into our waterways and ground water through storm runoff. In addition, just one ounce of pet waste contains 23 million microorganisms of bacteria, germs and parasites including E.coli, salmonella, giardia, parvovirus, hookworms, heartworms, roundworms, whipworms and tapeworms. Yikes! Nobody wants that in their yard!

But there’s one simple thing all pet owners can do to greatly reduce the environmental effects of their beloved dogs. Just clean up after them. It’s really that simple but, unfortunately, life often gets in the way.
When you’re busy working and raising kids, it can be difficult to keep up with Fido’s production. And, once you fall behind, it’s even harder to get caught up. One great option available for pet parents are pet waste removal companies. By using a professional pooper scooper service, you’ll never have to worry about falling behind. A pet waste removal service will clean your yard at regularly scheduled times, so it always stays maintained. It’s easy and hassle-free!
Most pet waste removal companies offer once- or twice-per-week service as well as every-other-week service and one-time cleanings. Some companies—like Poopie Patrol—even offer three-times-per-week* service. A professional service will remove all the waste in your yard, bag it up and haul it away, so you never have to see it or smell it again.
But, if you really want to reduce your dog’s carbon pawprint, you’ll want to hire a company that goes even further by using biodegradable trash bags. You’ll also want to make sure the pooper scooper company you hire disinfects their scooping tools between yards to stop the spread of germs and bacteria. At Poopie Patrol, we do all of that as well as cleaning up any small trash that has blown into your yard or been left behind by your kids.
So, when the one thing you hate about your dog keeps piling up, take the stress-free approach to a cleaner and healthier yard. We make it easy to reduce your dog’s carbon pawprint!
*Three-times-per-week service is only available in select areas. Call for more information.